Profit Manager


Farm Business Cost of Production and Decision-Making System

This includes:
45 minute preview/question answering period to ensure it's what you need. I also use this time on a video call to show you additional functionality and answer specific questions you may have.

5-6 pages of "homework" for you to get numbers put together

3-4 hours to fully populate the tool and get your cost of production dialed in

1-2 hour follow up as needed a few weeks after population to make sure you are comfortable with using the tool and playing with the numbers

Unlimited phone and email access with any trouble-shooting and basic questions. Our goal is to get you totally comfortable with using the tool, and be here as an advisor or additional perspective for your farm business decision-making.

I will add, the tool works great as a side by side analysis for any crop comparisons, and we work hard to really dial in the cost of production on equipment for improved understanding of Equipment Cost of Production and how that affects your marketing decisions and equipment management.

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